jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Vega 1118 sælges. 45000 dkr

Pa grund af min kones meget alvorlige sygdom har jeg besluttet at sælge min vega. Jeg har ikke energi og overskud til at beholde den. Det er rigtigt ærgerligt, for jeg havde alle tiders tur i den i 2010. Kig lidt rundt på min blog og du vil se at det er en velholdt og dejlig båd med masse af ekstra udstyr og nye sejl.


UK syversen Storsejl 2007. Brugt 2 sæsoner. Hurtig reb og fald fort tilbage til cockpit.

Helt ny Boding rulle genua ALDRIG BRUGT.

ældre rullegenua i pæn stand

Furlex rullessytem


Mast og rig i meget fin stand.

Garmin GPS

Helt ny Nasa Ekkolod aldrig brugt.

20 watt solcelle

Autohelm 1000 selvstyrer

Sprayhood og bompresenning i god stand

3 stk. 60Amp baterier. ældre men fungerer

10kg Bruce Anker med kæde, Ankaroline og “normal” ankerline.

Lækkert salonbord som kan drejes rundt.

Søkort fra Skagen til Bornholm samt svenske vestkyst 2010

Lille specialbygget slæbejolle med årer

Motor. Original Albin O22 2 cylindret firetakt bensin indenbordsmotor. 12hk. Båden blev ikke brugt i år 2011, så det er en god ide at checke motor og evt. tømme og rense benzintank. Motoren fungerede fejlfrit i 2010 da jeg sejlede rundt i Danmark og Sverige

Båden ligger på land i Nakskov og kan fremvises af min far. Tlf. 69 80 09 34

Jeg er selv bosiddende i Spanien. Du er meget velkommen til at sende mig en mail hvis du har spørgsmål: donnybalonny@hotmail.com

sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

Vega Pram

So here´s the fotos of the little pram that I build for my boat. Its very light and I can lift it onboard ny myself.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

On land

So here she is. Standing on land. Hopefully I will be back in summer 2011 ready for more adventures.

The small islands in the archipelago

My last days I spend visiting some small islands in the Archipelago. Avernakö, Lyö and Drejö. All of them with very inhabitants. Some 10 - 50 persons living all year round. Thats tranquility and quietness. I didnt take many photos, so you have live with this one from Drejö, which shows a very typical tarditional Danish farm.


Ærøskøbing is the main "city" on Ærø, the same island where Marstal is also situated. Its bigger (927 persons in 2010) and very different. Where Marstal was has mainly to do with boats, ships etc. Ærøskøbing is the business and administrative center. Its an EXTREMELY pretty place. I wont write much, just photos.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010


I sailed around in the famous archipelago south of Fyn in first couple of weeks in August.
Marstal is always nice. It was a very lively village some 100 years ago with hundreds of big Marstal schooners sailing all over the world. When this trade died because of the use of bigger ships with engines, Mastal slowly lost its importance and is now a pretty sleepy little village.
But it has this air of boats everywhere, and even though the harbour is big and there´s a lot of boat tourists, its not like being in a moern marina.

More info about Marstall here and on Google:

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Gilleleje in Denmark

I came to Denmark in the end of july. It was with some mixed feelings. I am danish, but I havent lived in Denmark for the past 9 years. The best of it all was to see old friends.