I bought the boat, an Albin Vega 27 in Sweden, its home country. I bought it there because there are so many for sale, they are cheap and besides, Sweden is one of my favorite countrys. Its clean, people are in general nice and easy going and the nature is big and quite wild as well.
I bought the boat the 5/6 2010 and my first year adventure was sailing from Hällekis in Vänern to Denmark and also a little bit around in Denmark. In total, I ended up with 825 Nautical miles in 8 weeks.
My Vega, Yggdrasil is from 1971, Its number 1118 out of almost 3500 built. Its in a very good shape and it has been taken care of durings its whole life. There are no "issues" that has to be fixed. Just some few improvements to personalize the whole thing. It has its original Albin 022 petrol inboard engine. Its old, but it always starts and hasnt been a source of any problems. The main sail is new and the roller furling genua is in a good shape but a bit to big (21 sqm)
The whole idea about buying a boat is to have a summer residence in Scandinavia where I´m from. I live in Spain, and although I really like it, its to hot in summer. I cant work and I dont like 35 - 40 degrees celcius. I´m my own boss, so I decided to give myself 2 month of sumer hollydays a year and work one more day a week during the rest of he year. Since I really like my work (building guitars) thats not a problem at all.
I´ve sailed since I was a kid and I´ve owned traditional Scandinavian boats like a folkboat. I have sailed singlehanded for hundreds of miles and I like it. I hope my girlfriend will join me for some weeks every year and besides that, I have my dog, Nimbus to give me some company.
On the first picture you an see what she looked like when I found her.
On the next, the engine, a 2 cyl. sidevalve 12hp thing that goes extremely slow. Its a bit noisy and smelly but it pushes me around, it always starts and its got style.
Next the cabin the way it looked day 1.
after that a cople of pictures of Yggdrasil ready to go into the water and finally ready to sail.