The 16/7 I left the lake Vänern. I felt like staying, but I also wanted to go south, to Denmark, where I´m from and where the boat is going to stay on land when I´m not sailing and living in it.
The lake Vänern is divided in two parts, Värmlandssjön in the north east and Dalbosjön in the southwest devided in the middle by the very beautifull archipelago "Lurö skärgaard" I sailed right through Dalbosjön on a rainy day, where Yggdrasil and the autopilot did the work themselves. It was so dark that you couldnt see the coast, so I stayed below with the GPS and the seecard and only looked up every 15 minust or so. I really like those two extra windows that Yggdrasil has in the front of the main cabin. I can actually see forward pretty well from down below.
I hope one day to come back to the lake and then I´m going to concentrate on Dalbosjön.
I was a little bit nervous when I left the lake. In front of me, I had 6 locks and 45nm of channel and river. I had asked around about the locks. If it could be done alone and everyone said it wasnt a problem because the locks dont let the water in through opening the ports, but using a much more modern system where the water comes in and goes out through the bottom. They were right. I wasnt a problem at all. Just stay with a ladder and "walk" the steps when you go down. The northern part of the river is very beautifull and I enjoyed the motoring a lot.
Another thing that worried me when starting was the fact that the river and channel is a total of 45nm and I had only done a max of 7 - 8nm with the engine. But there werent any problems.
I went out through the northern part of the river, passing Kungälv. I wasnt in the mood for Göteborg which is a big city. Reaching salt water was nice. I like the smell. But I was a little bit shocked about the enourmous amount of boats in the archipelago near Göteborg. Also the the ever present civilisation (houses, cars, ferries etc.) kind of scared me. So I passed through the famous archipelago of Göteborg pretty quickly heading south all the time. The last photo is from my last place mooring directly to the rocks on Ockerö Kalv. A wonderfull spot with bare rocks. and very clear and clean salty water. It was great to be in Sweden!!
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